The Journal of Research and Experiential Medicine's goal is to locate, combine and share results of research with both laypeople, and with professionals who lack time to research for themselves. It includes unusual and only partly researched information to augment and offer directions for further studies, and has a goal of educating on topics such as neurotransmitters as emotions aimed at non-professionals and professionals in other areas of expertise.

A part of JOREM's educational goal is greater respect for hpw the body handles nutrients.

Whatever is put into the body must be stored, excreted, or used. If it cannot be stored or excreted, then the body must prioritize other nutrients to use it up in a function preferably where much of the excess can be dealt with with a minimum of loss of other nutrients. Otherwise, damage will result.

This may explain a beneficial loss of sense of smell during coronavirus infection, because the sense of smell uses zinc, and the body has no designated zinc storage. People who can deplete other nutrients successfully at need so that the sense of smell can be used as ad hoc zinc storage seem to generally have a better defense against Coronavirus; this could explain why.

Low zinc, low magnesium and high iron may not show in standard serum testing, which suggests that the body wants the brain, heart, and other critical organs to get the proper nutrition. Mild deficiencies may become intracellular, or build less efficient chemicals (such as low vs high density fibrogen in magnesium deficiency), until more thrifty and efficient genes are located, and epigenes can be created. The body, unaware that a doctor is doing serum testing to find and fix these nutritional issues, may thus give misleading results in its efforts to keep itself running correctly under difficult circumstances.

A taste of current and future articles and links to others' research include:

Stem cells injected into the brain at Stanford treating strokes; a way to help patients, the economy, and a suffering medical system?

ACE as a treatment for Alzheimer's via direct application to amyloid plaque.

Cerumen (earwax) as a way of diagnosing cancer before it is visible in the body.

Original and proposed research:

Could cerumen testing find GHB?

One cause of fibromyalgia, for whom the cures located so far may be dangerous without medical monitoring.

Fatty lipomas, copper, and the cytokine theory.

Coronavirus diet and other low-level science "tweaks" - some yet which have not been tested, due to the focus on vaccines:

- A delivery system for an aerosol such as Lysol to be put in public restrooms and reduce the amount of Coronavirus from flushing of fecal matter, already available in a store near you.

- Could interferon be safely developed into a spray that could direct the immune to target the cells of the lungs of Coronavirus sufferers?

And much more, now and in the future.

All work here is ©Deborah Barges 2020 open access

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