The Body's View of Nutrition image

Whatever is put into the body must be stored, excreted, or used. If it cannot be stored or excreted, then the body must prioritize other nutrients to use it up in a function preferably where much of the excess can be dealt with with a minimum of loss of other nutrients. Otherwise, damage will result.

This may explain a beneficial loss of sense of smell during coronavirus infection, because the sense of smell uses zinc, and the body has no designated zinc storage. People who can deplete other nutrients successfully at need so that the sense of smell can be used as ad hoc zinc storage seem to generally have a better defense against Coronavirus; this could explain why.

Low zinc, low magnesium and high iron may not show in standard serum testing, which suggests that the body wants the brain, heart, and other critical organs to get the proper nutrition. Mild deficiencies may become intracellular, or build less efficient chemicals (such as low vs high density fibrogen in magnesium deficiency), until more thrifty and efficient genes are located, and epigenes can be created. The body, unaware that a doctor is doing serum testing to find and fix these nutritional issues, may thus give misleading results in its efforts to keep itself running correctly under difficult circumstances.

While avoiding the risk of anthropomorphizing, looking at nutrition from the viewpoint of the body as an entity or perhaps a business trying to run under difficult circumstances and balancing one lack with another excess might give useful insights the doctors, who are only now being strongly encouraged to look at nutrition,[#] might find beneficial to their patients, and might help the patients themselves give more respect to an intricate and carefully balanced system.

When a person has nutritional deficiencies, from genetic disorders, medications, stress, or problems with their diet, or has a condition called somatization or somatic syndrome, the body is much more sensitive to the nutrients than usual, and if these people take nutritional supplements, the body may shift prioritizations over and overto accomodate each supplement, and eat different foods, especially when meals lack a mix of nutrients. Such people risk becoming subject to undermethylation, as they use up those specific nutrients.

Often described as hypochondriacs or mentally ill, they have a real medical condition, but not diagnosable before methylation in the form of reading DNA was understood. As with all medical discoveries, it can take a while, even a generation, for new knowledge to propagate through the medical system. That's a disadvantage if you're waiting for treatment, but an advantage if it turns out sit there is more to learn to make treatment safe, and there is always something more that can be learned.

Antioxidants are like the lubrication in the gears of the body's functioning. They give leeway where it is needed. Antioxidants, when their sources are from nutrition, are given some level of respect. But when their sources are through the personality via emotions - joy, satisfaction, etc. - and through such things as sunlight and color, they are not given enough recognition or appreciation, and not used sufficiently, being sometimes belittled as the placebo effect, as if that effect was somehow magical, unimportant, and inefficient, instead of something that could be used and turned to the benefit of doctor and patient, instead of explaining why emotionally intimate relationships and support groups help cancer patients to survive better, and why without family emotional support often one close partner will follow the other into death, if they have been together for decades.

That should make it obvious how potent of force antioxidants are - life and death.

Looking at the world from the viewpoint of neurotransmitters and antioxidants shifts from specific actions and triggers to what is going on inside the brain. If people can shift where they're getting antioxidants from, or increase the ways they can get them, they will have an increase in patience and in success as well as health. That is the purpose of therapy, to get rid of old negative mental and emotional connections, increasing antioxidant levels, by allowing a person to not be stressed buy normal things in their environment that previously had bad associations.

Under construction: footnotes in progress.

©Deborah Barges November 2020 Open Access