What causes fibromyalgia?
First, I started by assuming that there is more than one cause for fibromyalgia. It was first diagnosed over a century ago, but the increase in modern fibromyalgia implies that there are modern life conditions that cause fibromyalgia as well, which were not around last century.. Therefore, the symptoms in common relate to the systems which are not working correctly, not to a single causal element. Knowing the systems involved and the form of one cause can help find the cause of other types of fibromyalgia, as well as helping the sufferers of that one type.
So what is the cause of the type of the fibromyalgia that is now known?
The third sentence of the abstract of
Voltammetric determination of copper with proton pump inhibitor drug omeprazole says that the results of experimentation show that the reduction of the copper(II)-omeprazole complex is irreversible.
Irreversible also means that it does not connect with other chemicals, such as ceruplasmin, and therefore it is very difficult to remove it from the body.
The result is it the body has a nutrient that it can sometimes seem to perceive, but cannot use. In terms of money, it would be as if you had a bank account that usually had $10,000, and during the month it would be reduced down to $1,000, but suddenly you had a $4,000 check that didn't clear. Suddenly the body has to use a smaller amount of copper to get the work done, which would cause overmethylation, the cells having to read the DNA more often to retool to use copper in smaller amounts but more often to deal with the smaller leeway in the copper "bank account."
That could run you out of nutrients for methylation elsewhere, which would explain how Prilosec can cause cancer. Overmethylation in one area causes undermethylation another area, and undermethylation has been linked to cancer. DNA being read incorrectly or incompletely, or part of one gene and part of another leading to mutations, cells that are not doing the jobs that they are supposed to. Most of them are not viable, and do not function, and are destroyed, often using melatonin, which, as the song goes only comes out at night, when there is no light on the eyes. But when a cell is viable, and the programming from the mismatched DNA tells it to multiply rapidly, it could become cancer.
Knowing that it is a molecule causing the problem is a big step. Using myself as a guinea pig, I found three things that would remove it from my body, another person had found a fourth which fit with my observations, although I have not tried it myself, and for a different type of fibromyalgia, someone used clinoptilolite, and supposedly had complete remission.
What happens when there is this nonbiousable molecule that the body seems to perceive but is unable to use, is that the body ends up with a copper iron homeostasis issue. Iron deficiency is now recognized peer-reviewed has going along with fibromyalgia.
Sometimes the body will put too much copper available in the blood, which can cause psychosis. It also causes an iron deficiency, possibly related to the chemicals which move iron in the body, which require copper. The body may decide to get rid of the extra copper, not able to excrete it quickly enough nor choosing to store it due to the confusion of the false nutrient, so it runs short on the transport chemical for iron as one of its choices. The body prefers not to have the blood be short of nutrients, nor excess, and will search for genes which allow the deficiency to be moved intracellular so that the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys, and all the organs, will receive the correct nutrition so the body can continue to function.
This has been studied in zinc and magnesium deficiency or insufficiency, and in Iron INXS, where the final study needs to be a biopsy of the liver.
In the same vein, when the body seems to get confused and thinks that that non-biousable copper is actually usable, the body runs low, potentially causing the neurotransmitters of the catecholamine family to reduce, or reducing pigmentation in the skin, or otherwise using copper already in place to make up for the lack of copper storage.
Unfortunately, low copper causes iron deficiency as well, because what iron is absorbed into the body is free radical, due to the lack of transport chemicals in which iron is usually bound, to be moved to where it is needed without the body receiving free radical damage, which causes pain. Meanwhile, the body still is suffering from low biousable iron at the same time.
Low iron in the blood can result in high potassium, which also can cause tingling, one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Iron which cannot be bound can absorb into the synovial fluid of the joints, causing joint pain. The combination of low iron and high free radical iron can explain some of the symptoms.
Other types of fibromyalgia probably also are iron-copper homeostasis issues, although zinc or sulfur, which is what binds to iron to hold it in place rather than to transported, could also cause fibromyalgia symptoms.
Other folks nutrients, a reversible bonded copper or iron, could be the cause of other types of fibromyalgia, such as the kind that happens for some people after cancer treatment, and for some people after injuries, is seems to be a common cause in England. Or it could be that the correlation is not causal in either direction, but perhaps that people who have accidents get stressed and are liable to get acid reflux and thus take Prilosec; if they have been exposed to Copper at that time, they will get fibromyalgia as a result.
Whether it is a false nutrient or some other cause of copper iron issues or something else which mimics it, this information can provide a focus for researching fibromyalgia which previously lacked direction.
A warning. For people who have copper overload, possibly Pyrrole syndrome, or other copper, iron, zinc, and sulfur excess or shortage conditions, removing the false nutrient will allow more copper, or more iron if it is an iron based false nutrient, to be available to the body. As the fibromyalgia improves, the low or high copper or iron or other nutrient condition will return. Unfortunately, depending upon the duration of the fibromyalgia, the body will have let go of the epigenes involved, and its condition was fairly severe, it may not transition easily, but instead start causing new symptoms or worsening previous symptoms rather than spreading the load of the high or low nutrient across the whole body the way it used to be.
So the cure could actually be more dangerous than the fibromyalgia itself. Which is the reason why I am not sharing the other more effective methods of removing the molecule copper 2 Omeprazole complex on line.
I've been trying to find researchers or doctors who will work with me on this, to date my health maintenance organization is not providing enough time with the one doctor who is truly trained in the correct areas and interested in working on it. I will consider working with people with fibromyalgia if they are under the care of a doctor who is very responsive and understands what I have already discovered through research and experience.
If you have fibromyalgia, here are a few tricks that may work for you. Do not try them if you know you are allergic to any of these substances.
I personally find that a little Blackberry with every meal makes a difference in the level of pain. As little as two large or three small black berries, or a small squirt even from Blackberry flavored water enhancers does this for me. If I use Blackberry water enhancer, I also like to use cherry.
Cherries are very beneficial unless you are high potassium. If you're taking blood pressure medications which increase potassium, you should avoid fruit according to your doctor's monitoring.
Apple cider vinegar, I prefer the pills or the capsules, is also beneficial with meals.
I have made a proprietary blend of three different substances which can be bought, to its stores and when it health food stores, over the counter. But I do not know if it is specific for my particular variant, or my particular variant with my particular body type, copper overload with undermethylation. I have not yet patented.
I read about guaifenesin, in the form of Mucinex, being beneficial. The opinions are mixed, but since I had not had an allergic reaction to it in the past, and I'm not limited the way doctors are who are only allowed to prescribe something which is beneficial, and not allowed to prescribe something which has been proven not to cause harm but not yet proven to have a benefit, I decided to try it. I have a minor allergy, so I take a trace dose, scraping the pill against my teeth, and it does cause a reduction in my fibromyalgia. It is not a cure, it seems to have something to do with telling the body a better way of handling the iron, possibly as a counter irritant, possibly something completely different. I make a homeopathic against it for the allergy, and that seems to help, too.
For sulfur to bind the iron in place and reduce the loss, egg whites but not egg yellows. One egg white per meal is enough, possibly more than enough, but if one isn't allergic, why use only half of the egg white?
Using nutritional supplements can prioritize the body to use first one and then another, so taking them with a meal or oil to slow absorption, and taking them together and with a multivitamin, one with low folic acid and low copper and low potassium if one is taking a blood pressure medication other than a calcium channel blocker, has been worthwhile for me to deal with that problem.
Avoiding foods that are fast absorption copper, and getting such copper as I need from pees when I can handle folic acid, and corn when I can't has been beneficial for me.
Avoiding making the body have to make sudden adjustments in nutrition has proved beneficial.
The body is seems to be able to reassess itself under at least two situations, where is able to perceive the problem with the amount of copper available and adjust for it, but this needs to be done daily for maximum benefit. These two things are heavy exercise, or if one has a strong deficiency, it seems to show up with exercise to the point of discomfort even if it is not particularly heavy, and meditation, where the mind stops providing adrenaline and other imbalances from the bodies functioning. Mindfulness and mindlessness and low stress allow the body to perceive what's going on that is different from what it expects should be going on, and adjust to it. That's basically what exercise does by showing the body how it is actually functioning versus the way it's thinks it should be functioning if it had more copper, or more iron if it is an unusable iron molecule.
Treating undermethylation if one has it is also beneficial. But this should be done for anyone with undermethylation because of the risk of cancer. Best, if somebody has over methylation in one area, such as in maintaining the correct level of copper in the body use less stores as a result of the nonbiousable copper 2 Omeprazole complex, would be to get rid of the cause of overmethylation which, by depleting nutrients causes undermethylation.
If one has high copper, when is going to tend to have his to Delia, High histamine levels, because histamin seems to help zinc remove Copper from the body. During certain stages, as the level of copper 2 Omeprazole complex reduced from my body, I required to take antihistamines. At other stages as a body perceived and responded differently to a lower level of copper II Omeprazole complex, the need for an antihistamine abated, and might even have been detrimental.
I have another abnormality which most people probably do not have. Although I used to have 98.6 solid temperature, even as a child when I was sick, which was a great frustration to me, from taking Depakote for over 22 years, with the recognized iron-deficiency according to the medical billing code E71.43 in the ICD10, but recognized as far back unchanged has at least ICD7, I have a damaged hypothalamus, which causes sleep issues and has dropped my temperature at resting to 97.4, although it was down at 95.6 when I found that I had to start taking L-Carnitine to deal with it. It requires more oxytocin to bring the temperature to normal, according to very recent research, which explains why I feel fine when I'm with my partner. it would be nice if I could get oxytocin to treat the condition all the time, stopping it when I'm going to see my partner, which is rarely due to shelter-in-place from coronavirus at this time.
What this means is that some of my research that applies to my experience may not apply to most other people with fibromyalgia. However, many of the things I have tried I have tried specifically because they did help others anecdotally, and with the exception of the links I will have below, all of this that I say is anecdotal as far as the reader is concerned.
Antioxidants help protect the body from nutritional deficiencies at the best of times, and during starvation times for ancestors. Having a good family or support system increases antioxidant levels, as does happiness. We take happiness way to lightly.
Likewise raising antioxidant levels in whatever way one can, as long as one can sustain them or have gentle gradients in their increase and reduction so the body doesn't have to make sudden adaptations, is beneficial.
Which antioxidant is beneficial will depend upon individual comorbidities, allergies, and what the personality of each person considers to create happiness. If someone has a fear of dogs, the dog which helps one person by increasing antioxidants could reduce antioxidants in another person. One person's fengshui is another person's increased pain.
I am looking actively for researchers who wish to study and eventually published. There are cures for some types of fibromyalgia, for some people. For some types of fibromyalgia and some people, this could be faster and easier, whereas for others others, the cure, the removal of the nonusable molecule, could cause a return of a condition that the body previously handle, but cannot handle a sudden readjustment without medical intervention. I hope to help researchers, using myself and others as guinea pigs, find how to do that readjustment and make the cure available to everyone as a result. But not until it is safe.
©Deborah Barges May 2019 - Oct 2020 open access