Neurotransmitters basics are actually straightforward, easy to explain, and useful in our daily lives. When time permits, I have a cartoonist who may be able to illustrate a children's version, with antioxidants as the flower children giving away electrons to free radicals and thereby protecting the cells of the brain and body, zinc as the sheriff who handcuffs and removes free radical copper and other metals from the body, melatonin and serotonin waltzing together and the catecholamine family of neurotransmitters as a line dance.
The inhibitory GABA, the excitatory glutamate, and glutathione, which starts as excitatory in children and becomes inhibitory as adults would be easier to explain via cartoons in a GP setting as a menage á trois with a hermaphroditic gender change, such as certain fish preform, to adapt to the makeup of their schools.
©Deborah Barges Oct 2020 open access