When one is on the wrong train, every station is the wrong station. Mental as well as physical illnesses can be caused by the deficiency or insufficiency of just one nutrient, but finding the correct cause can be critally important. A hit or miss approach can be successful once, or even a few times, at the risk of overconfidence which makes future failures even more potentially dangerous.
Where there is one deficiency, there may be more, or an excess of another nutrient. The body needs time to adjust, and other medical conditions may recover or get worse during treatment, requiring new, increased or decreased medication, and other nutrients.
In recent years, as nutritional supplements have become available while many medical practitioners are undertrained on nutrition, many patients have been treating themselves to the best of their ability when their concerns are belittled. They are both at risk from not getting treated for these conditions medically, and at risk from their own lack of training when they do the best that they can.
As these conditions and treatments become more recognized, treatment by medical practitioners who can focus on safety issues which an untrained person cannot will become more available.
While poor nutrition, from depleted soil causing reduced nutrients in foods, poor diet, and poverty's lack of choices are real and recognized causes, poor absorption and genetic conditions, some only recently becoming recognized, are issues, some of which are treatable or improvable.
Here are a few worthy of attention:
The Walsh Institute, whose practitioners are covered by insurance in certain areas (Oregon, for one) is raising awareness and has treatments for conditions including copper overload, Pyrrole syndrome, undermethylation and overmethylation, poor absorption accompanying autism and Asperger's, and other conditions.
Look at the Walsh Institute, page on Biochemical Individuality for details:
While it works, assuming the one has the condition being treated, self-treatment is dangerous; the pros are trained in pitfalls. The main nutritional issues are listed, to confirm, but don't do it alone. There are many pitfalls which those trained can guide suffers around safely.
MTHFR gene (low folate absorption) (needs reference and link) Your doctor can test you for these mutations.
Omega-3, junk food and the link between violence and what we eat,
Again, take to your doctor. Risk factors against doing this on one's own include fibromyalgia, iron deficiency, Pyrrole syndrome (listed in Walsh Institute page, listed above), and almost certainly others.
Poor absorption can be the result of lost probiotics. Lack of Lactobacillus Salivarius in the mouth can lead to reduced serotonin, and depression. There is controversy over some types being healthier for certain types of people, and it is generally accepted that bifidobacteria are more common in people of Oriental background. Antibiotics can deplete these and leave the body more susceptible to a variety of conditions, not just poor absorption and malnutrition.
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