16 Jul

Under construction: currently here are only details not covered elsewhere.


Lithium has a protective effect in the body so that despite less copper removed from the brain when one is taking Lithium, there is actually a protective action, reducing Alzheimer's. Nevertheless, it removes zinc. If a patient is so low on energy that they are not liable to have a manic attack, removing or reducing lithium might be beneficial. Do patients taking lithium have a higher mortality rate, or does lithium protective activity against Alzheimer's also protect against coronavirus?


Lemon initially increases acid but then increases alkalinity in the body. Whether this would be beneficial or detrimental should be noted, and used or not used, accordingly.

Just as the body prioritizes some zinc to remove copper free radicals, it likewise prioritizes aluminum, and prioritizes lithium removal above copper. CITE

These are examples of two other elements to be limited from the diet, although they themselves are probably not an issue, not being in most food, but an example nevertheless of directions that dietitians and nutritionists could look at to give a further advantage to coronavirus victims.

© Deborah Barges, July 2020, reprintable and usable per open access rules.

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